Firm: Underwood Law Firm, P.C.
Location: Lubbock - TX
1111 West Loop 289
Lubbock, TX 79416
- Tel : (806) 793-1711
- Fax : (806) 793-1723
- Email : david.backus@uwlaw.com

David Backus’ practice is comprised chiefly of public school and regional education service center education law. Prior to assuming his duties with the Underwood Law Firm, David served as general counsel for the Region 17 Education Service Center in Lubbock, senior attorney for the Texas Association of School Boards’ Legal Services Division in Austin, and staff counsel and lobbyist for the Texas Association of School Administrators in Austin. He is chair of the Board of Directors of the Texas Council of School Attorneys and a past editorial board member of the Texas School Administrators Legal Digest. When he is not advising or defending school districts and education service centers, David is assisting families to finalize the legal portion of their adoption process. An adoptive father of four, he considers this a special part of his practice. David was privileged to serve his country for ten years as an officer in the United States Marine Corps.
- Texas Association of School Boards, Council of School Attorneys chair
- Texas Association of School Boards, Legal Assistance Fund, Board Member
- State Bar of Texas, Council of School Law Attorneys, Vice-Chair
- State Bar of Texas School Law Section, Member
- Texas Bar Foundation, Fellow
- TEA Certified provider of Continuing Education for School Boards
- TEA Certified Provider of Continuing Professional Education for Educators
- Legal Assistance Fund, Board Member
- Council of School Attorneys, Chair
Underwood Law Firm, P.C.
As our leadership guides us into the future, our timeless values and standards will continue to be the benchmark by which we measure our success: integrity in all things, service to our community, a keen responsibility to our clients and colleagues. The Underwood Law Firm, P.C. (“Underwood”) has been providing legal services to the people of Texas since 1912. With a solid foundation in the long-standing traditions of excellence and commitment to the highest ethical standards, Underwood is a respected legal provider in the community and the state. With offices in Amarillo, Austin, Fort Worth, Lubbock, and Pampa, Underwood enjoys the confidence of some of the largest employers in the area and the respect of distinguished firms and leaders throughout Texas.
A century ago Robert E. “Judge” Underwood established his law practice in Amarillo. Judge Underwood studied law at the University of Texas for one year then returned home and became a teacher in Jack County, Texas. He continued his legal studies in the evenings from home. Judge Underwood moved to Amarillo in 1906, became Potter County Attorney, and then, in 1912 started his own practice.